GeoMotions Suite
DMOD2000 is a one-dimensional nonlinear effective-stress site response analysis computer program, i.e., a computer program that allows for the time-dependent generation of porewater pressure and accounts for its effects on soil stiffness and strength over the duration of an earthquake. The nonlinear response of the soil is represented by a backbone curve with inelastic response governed by unloading-reloading rules postulated by Masing and Pyke. Porewater pressure generation is controlled by semi-empirical models developed by Dobry and Vucetic (for sand) and Matasovic and Vucetic (for clay), with a computed porewater pressure used to degrade the backbone curve in a way that represents the softening and weakening of soils expected at lower effective confining pressures.
Our long-term goals include continuous update of our programs D-MOD2000, SHAKE2000 and RspMatchEDT; and sharing our experience and knowledge with the engineering and academic communities.
SHAKE2000 is a Windows based, user-friendly computer program that will help geotechnical earthquake engineers and researchers with the analysis of site-specific response and the evaluation of earthquake effects on soil deposits. Hence, the main objective in the development of SHAKE2000 was to add new features to transform SHAKE and SHAKE91 into an analysis tool for seismic analysis of soil deposits and earth structures. As such, the governing philosophy in developing this new version of SHAKE was to lay before the user a suite of tools designed to answer questions of interest to both academia and the consulting professional. We then expect that SHAKE2000 will have a dual role in geotechnical earthquake engineering. First, it will be used as a learning tool for students of geotechnical engineering. Second, it will serve practitioners of geotechnical earthquake engineering as a scoping tool to provide a first approximation of the dynamic response of a site. Depending upon the prediction of site response, the practitioner will judge whether more sophisticated dynamic modeling is warranted.
RspMatchEDT is a Windows-based application that provides a user-friendly graphical interface for RspMatch2005 and RspMatch2009. The RspMatch programs perform a time domain modification of an acceleration time history to make it compatible with a user specified target spectrum.
To order a copy of the GeoMotions Suite, please send us an email to